
Our accomplished team of 胰腺癌 experts delivers outcomes that are among the best in the nation.



在UCLA健康中心 阿吉·赫什伯格胰腺疾病中心, we’re at the forefront of innovative 胰腺癌 treatments. 我们自豪地提供:

更好的结果: At UCLA Health, our 胰腺癌 survival rates are among the best in the nation. 我们的专家是胰腺癌治疗领域的领导者.

外科手术技术: Our experienced team of surgical oncologists performs more pancreatic surgeries than any other hospital in Southern California. We put our unmatched expertise to work for our patients every day.

以团队为基础的护理: Our doctors gather weekly to review your 胰腺癌 care plan. 我们结合我们的经验和专业知识,确保您 receive the 治疗胰腺癌的症状和 care 这对你来说是最好的.

方便的位置: You can receive 胰腺癌 treatment at our community cancer care centers located across the greater Los Angeles region. UCLA Health is proud to offer the highest quality care, close to home.

Our services

从你的胰腺癌诊断到后续护理, our compassionate care team provides comprehensive services including:


取决于你的症状, your oncologist may order one or more of the following tests for 胰腺癌:

Lab tests: 医生可能会要求进行ca19 -9的血检, 尿液分析, 或者粪便测试来帮助检测癌症.

先进的成像: 包括x射线和CT扫描等成像的检查, MRI, 和正电子发射断层扫描(PET).

经皮经肝胆管造影(PTC): 使用静脉注射造影剂的胆管x光片.

DOTA-TATE镓-68 PET扫描: A PET scan in which a radioactive drug is injected, making tumors more visible. DOTA-TATE Gallium-68 PET scans are offered at only a handful of sites in the country. With this state-of-the-art machine, UCLA Health physicians can find smaller tumors in earlier stages.

内窥镜超声检查: 一种使用细管的诊断程序, 叫做内窥镜, 用超声探头给胰腺拍照, 胆管和消化道.

内镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP): A minimally invasive procedure that uses an X-ray and endoscope to capture images of the pancreas.

胰腺活组织检查: A procedure in which a surgeon takes a sample of pancreatic tissue to look for cancer.


Our cancer genetics experts evaluate inherited factors that may increase your risk of developing 胰腺癌. 了解一种特定的遗传风险可以让我们 tailor a 胰腺癌 treatment 制定最适合自己的计划. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心了解更多关于癌症遗传学项目的信息. 


When you or a loved one has cancer, it’s important to find a supportive community to lean on. Turn to the Simms/Mann-UCLA综合肿瘤学中心 的资源,以帮助你应付的负担 胰腺癌的症状和治疗. We offer counseling, spiritual care and workshops in mind-body healing, stress management and more.


Pancreatic cancer begins in the pancreas, an abdominal organ that is part of the digestive system. 胰腺癌主要有两种类型:

外分泌胰腺肿瘤: Starts within the exocrine cells, which are in the ducts and exocrine glands of the pancreas. Exocrine cells help break down carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and acids. 外分泌肿瘤的类型包括:

腺癌: 最常见的胰腺癌. 它占95%的病例. 腺癌通常起源于外分泌管.

胶质癌: 一种罕见的胰腺癌. Colloid carcinoma begins as a benign cyst called an intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN).

鳞状细胞癌: A rare 胰腺癌 made up of squamous cells that originate in the pancreatic ducts. 大多数病例在传播后才被发现.

胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤: 起源于胰腺的内分泌腺细胞, which release hormones into the bloodstream to regulate blood sugar. 这些肿瘤可能是良性的,也可能是癌性的. They include:

Gastrinoma: A malignant tumor located in the pancreas or duodenum, which is part of the small intestine.

Glucagonoma: 一种导致血糖水平升高的胰腺肿瘤. A common symptom of this tumor is a skin rash that appears when the body makes too much of the hormone glucagon. 这些肿瘤中约80%是恶性的.  

Insulinoma: A rare, genetic pancreatic tumor that secretes insulin, the hormone that lowers blood glucose levels. 几乎所有的胰岛素瘤都是良性的(不是癌性的)。.

VIPoma: A form of pancreatic tumor that secretes vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), 哪一种会导致严重腹泻和钾流失. 这些肿瘤在50%到75%的情况下是恶性的.


Your 胰腺癌 treatment w这取决于你的诊断和癌症的进展情况. We offer a range of treatments so that your care team can create an individualized plan that meets your needs. 治疗方法包括:


Some types of 胰腺癌 may be treated without surgery. 治疗方法包括:

Chemotherapy: 用来杀死胰腺癌细胞的强效药物. Chemotherapy may also be used before surgery to shrink tumors or after surgery to lower the risk of cancer returning.

放射治疗: Focused beams of high-energy radiation that target and kill 胰腺癌 cells.

免疫疗法: A biologic treatment that activates the immune system to attack cancer cells.

临床试验: Research studies that test new treatments for safety and effectiveness.


我们训练有素的外科医生擅长微创手术, 课本, 传统手术. We offer:

惠普尔手术: A complex procedure to remove pancreatic tumors and take biopsy samples of nearby lymph nodes. 外科医生也可能切除周围的器官, 比如胆管, gallbladder, 和小肠的一部分. Removing these organs increases the chances that all cancer cells are removed. 惠普尔手术也被称为胰十二指肠切除术.

远端胰腺切除术: Surgery to remove tumors in the left side, or tail, of the pancreas. 外科医生通常也会切除脾脏.

总胰切除术: 切除整个胰腺的手术. Surgeons may also remove the gallbladder, spleen and part of the stomach and small intestine.


在UCLA健康中心 胰腺疾病中心, you’ll receive excellent care from a top team of 胰腺癌 specialists. Our experts perform more pancreatic surgeries than any other hospital in the region, 我们的成果在全国名列前茅.

Contact us

Call 310-206-6889 to request an appointment with a 胰腺癌 specialist at UCLA Health.


让我们的专家为您制定个性化的治疗方案. 欲了解更多信息,请与癌症护理专家联系 310-206-6889.