
Our minimally invasive gynecologic surgeons perform a wide range of innovative procedures. 我们使用最小的切口或不使用切口, 从而降低并发症的风险和更好的整体结果.



This surgical subspecialty uses smaller incisions and less invasive techniques to treat gynecologic conditions. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 minimally invasive gynecologic surgeons are dedicated to these innovative and safe surgical techniques to handle complex issues. 整体, 这种手术方法可以缩短恢复期, 疤痕少,并发症风险低.


以病人为中心的护理: 我们会告诉你所有可能的手术方法和选择. Then you and your doctor work together to find the treatment that’s best for you. 这种共同决策确保我们考虑到你的目标, 需要和偏好,当它涉及到你的手术护理.

研究治疗方法: 我们的外科医生进行致力于改善妇女健康的研究. 我们不断为您带来最新有效的治疗方案. 符合条件的患者可以通过临床试验获得新的治疗方法.

个性化的方法: While minimally invasive surgery can offer significant benefits for many patients, 这并不是适合所有人的方法. Our surgeons offer minimally invasive options only if you are a candidate and the technique meets your unique needs. We tailor our surgical plans to each patient, using the approach that’s right for you.


Minimally invasive surgery is an umbrella term for surgical techniques that use small incisions, 专门的手术工具和高科技相机. 这些技术与开放的方法形成对比, 用一个长长的切口进入身体内部. We specialize in several types of minimally invasive gynecology surgeries, including:


宫腔镜手术不需要任何切口. Instead, the surgeon places a camera (hysteroscope) through your cervix and into the uterus. 这使得外科医生可以看到子宫并在子宫内进行手术. We often use hysteroscopic surgery to remove growths in the uterus (uterine fibroids or polyps). A hysteroscopy is usually an outpatient procedure, allowing you to return home the same day.


In laparoscopic procedures, the surgeon makes one or more small incisions in the abdomen. They maneuver a camera and surgical instruments through the incisions so they can clearly see inside your body and perform the operation.

The exact number and size of the incisions can vary depending on your specific needs. 一般来说,你会有三到四个小切口,每个都在0.5厘米和1厘米长. 你的外科医生可能会使用腹腔镜手术来治疗子宫内膜异位症, 卵巢囊肿, 子宫肌瘤或切除子宫.


During robotic-assisted surgeries, the surgeon operates using computer-controlled robotic arms. 他们在手术室的电脑控制台上工作, 他们在整个手术过程中控制手术机器人.

外科医生在腹部开了几个小切口, then uses the robot to direct a camera and surgical tools through the incisions. Using robotic arms allows for exceptional visualization and precision during surgery. An entire surgical team always supervises the robot while your surgeon performs the operation.

我们可以使用机器人方法来评估和治疗子宫内膜异位症, 卵巢囊肿或盆腔器官脱垂. Surgeons may also use robotic techniques to remove your uterus, 卵巢 or fallopian tubes.


In these procedures, the surgeon operates through the vagina without making any abdominal incisions. 阴道手术 is the least invasive technique for a hysterectomy (uterus removal).


We may also use vaginal surgery to repair pelvic organ prolapse or treat urinary incontinence.  Patients who have had at least one prior vaginal birth and have pelvic organ prolapse are the most common candidates for vaginal surgery.


vNOTES结合了腹腔镜和阴道手术的优点. In this approach, the surgeon places the vNOTES device through the vagina and into the pelvic cavity. Then they can insert cameras and surgical tools through the device to operate with increased visualization and precision. 这样外科医生就可以到达子宫, 输卵管和卵巢,不需要腹部切口.

我们的外科医生可能会用vNOTES切除你的子宫, 卵巢, 输卵管或治疗子宫肌瘤.



子宫异常出血: Any uterine bleeding that is heavier than normal, or that occurs outside of expected times. AUB可能包括月经间隔出血, 性交后出血, 绝经后出血, 经血延长, 月经周期不规律或根本没有月经(闭经). 

子宫腺肌症: The tissue lining the inside of the uterus (endometrium) implants and grows within the muscular wall of the uterus

子宫内膜或子宫息肉: 子宫内膜异位症子宫内膜组织的不规则生长

子宫内膜异位: 子宫内膜在子宫外生长的一种情况, 通常在输卵管中, 卵巢或骨盆内的组织

肌瘤: Small, noncancerous (benign) growths of connective tissue and muscle cells that develop in the uterus

卵巢囊肿: 卵巢内或卵巢上生长的充满液体的小囊

卵巢扭转: 扭曲的卵巢

盆腔器官脱垂: 一个或多个盆腔器官, 比如子宫, 肠或膀胱, 从它们通常的位置下降,进入阴道

尿失禁: 膀胱失控,导致意外尿漏



子宫内膜异位症的评估和切除: A gynecologic surgeon may use a laparoscopic or robotic approach for endometriosis diagnosis and treatment. 借助腹腔镜、摄像头或机械臂, they can find the exact location of endometriosis and remove endometrial tissue that’s grown where it shouldn’t.

子宫切除术: 子宫切除术是一种切除子宫的手术. 患者可以通过子宫切除术来治疗子宫内膜炎、肌瘤或癌症. Hysterectomies are typically only a good option for patients who don’t want to become pregnant in the future or are past childbearing years. 阴道手术是子宫切除术中侵入性最小的技术, 尽管外科医生也可能使用腹腔镜, 机器人或vNOTES方法.    

肌瘤切除术: 该手术切除子宫肌瘤而不切除子宫本身. Our surgeons may use laparoscopic, vNOTES, hysteroscopic or robotic techniques to remove fibroids.

卵巢切除术: 外科医生切除一个或两个卵巢. 该手术可以治疗癌症、子宫内膜异位症、卵巢囊肿或卵巢扭转. 卵巢切除后, 患者不能再产生卵子, 但在生育治疗的帮助下,它们可能会怀孕. Our surgeons use vNOTES, laparoscopic or robotic techniques to perform oophorectomies.   

卵巢囊切除术: 外科医生通常使用腹腔镜技术切除卵巢囊肿. They insert a laparoscope and a camera through a few small abdominal incisions and use surgical tools to remove the cysts. 我们也可以使用机器人手术或vNOTES来切除卵巢囊肿.

盆底修复: We offer robotic surgery to reinforce the pelvic floor and bladder or treat pelvic organ prolapse. 我们的外科医生也可以使用阴道手术来修复阴道脱垂, 膀胱脱垂或直肠脱垂.

会阴成形术: This surgery repairs the perineum, the area between the thighs that protects the pelvic floor. Our surgeons use vaginal surgery to narrow the opening of the vagina and tighten the area between the vagina and anus. Patients may have a perineoplasty to restore function and improve sexual satisfaction after childbirth or a traumatic injury.

输卵管切除术: 外科医生切除部分或全部输卵管. 患者可以通过输卵管切除术来治疗癌症, 降低癌症风险, 治疗输卵管阻塞或输卵管内子宫内膜异位症. This procedure is typically reserved for patients who don’t want to become pregnant in the future or are past childbearing years. 我们的外科医生可能会使用vNOTES、腹腔镜或机器人手术.


Our minimally invasive gynecologic surgeons offer a broad range of procedures to help patients improve function and quality of life. 我们以同理心和热情的方式提供卓越的护理. 我们的外科医生是临床护理和研究的领导者, 不断为我们的病人带来突破性的治疗方法.


呼叫 310-794-7274 to request an appointment with a minimally invasive gynecologic surgeon at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


We educate you on all possible treatments and create a personalized care plan to meet your needs. 呼叫 310-794-7274 了解更多关于微创妇科手术的知识.